About Spracklen Insurance Services

Doug Spracklen
Email: doug@sprackleninsurance.com
Phone: (417) 890-7979 , Extension 516
DOUG SPRACKLEN is the founder and president of Spracklen Insurance Services. Doug’s primary responsibilities in the agency are new business sales and service for commercial, personal and life insurance products. He also oversees the marketing and producer recruiting.
Click here to read more about Doug
Roberta Virden
Personal Lines Supervisor
Email: roberta@sprackleninsurance.com
Phone: (417) 890-7979, Extension 523
ROBERTA VIRDEN has been in the insurance business since 1995. She started working in Customer Service, and then in 1998 became a licensed Property & Casualty Agent for Patrick Johnson’s Allstate Agency. She later became the Office Manager and helped Patrick grow his agency to the largest Allstate Agency in the region.
Click here to read more about Roberta
Sherrie McMullin
Commercial Lines Assistant
Email: mcsherrie@sprackleninsurance.com
Phone: (417) 890-7979, Extension 521
SHERRIE MCMULLIN has been in the insurance business since 1998. She started out working in Customer Service and sales in a variety of local agencies. She later became an excess and surplus lines underwriter.
Click here to read more about Sherrie McMullin